Graphic Design / Packaging / Branding / Illustration
Sophie Cooper, a Manchester-based jam business owner faced the challenge of reducing waste from her production process. Inspired by her passion for sustainability, she began exploring how leftover fruit, rinds and oils could be transformed into organic soaps. She needed packaging that would tell her story to potential customers. 
The design and logo were inspired by the visual word ‘off-cut’, reflecting the leftover fruit parts from Sophie’s jam-making production. The abstract illustrative style captures the essence of the fruits, with handmade brushstrokes that emphasise the organic, hand-crafted nature of the product.​​​​​​​
This work is a conceptual student project. The brief was provided by the course and I devised the brand name, concept and designs. 
This is only a snapshot of the project and roll-out - a full case-study and an additional scent features in my portfolio which is available on request.  ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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